Paper Mate® Mechanical Pencils Launch Kit

Packaging – Mock-up – Sales Kit

PV Services

Digital Printing
Packing & Shipping

The Goal

Display new Paper Mate mechanical pencils in a portable, attractive kit to be used by sales associates.

  • Showcase 5 styles of pencils (48 pencils total) in a strongly-branded configuration.
  • Include key sales items, including a USB, digital cards, and sell sheet for customer review and shelf consideration.
  • Client requested pencils be displayed in a circular layout and include a tear pad for sampling.
  • Create the design, engineer the structure, produce, assemble, pack and ship — all through one source.

The Result

An easy-to-carry, briefcase-like corrugate structure that unfolds to beautifully present a spread of Paper Mate mechanical pencils. The kit includes a tear pad for sampling the pencils along with digital cards, sell sheet, and USB – to help efficiently drive sales. We were able to design, produce, assemble, pack and ship the final package to 75+ addresses.

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