Gorman-Rupp Pumps Website Landing Screens

Gorman-Rupp Pumps


PV Services

Ruby on Rails
PHP Development

The Goal

Build a website for multiple divisions of a company with region-specific content.

  • Integrate with ERP systems in order to display detailed product information.
  • Automatically direct users from different regions to relevant content for their market.
  • Create dealer sales portals for each division integral to the website.
  • Build a custom content management system for site administration.

The Result

A shared codebase for multiple business units that supports web marketing efforts, channel sales and customer relationship management. This common platform provides for economies of scale as well as reduced data redundancy. Fast implementation and an easy path to future enhancements, reducing costs and ensuring accurate, up-to-date information in the hands of customers for a multi-national industrial manufacturer.

Gorman-Rupp Pumps Website Screens
Gorman-Rupp Pumps Website Mobile Screens
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